News from Benchen Monastery (June 1, 2012)

You all know that we opened the the phur khang (cremation stupa). Now there is the breaking news: this afternoon Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's shabjis discretely went through the relics with great care because when we visit H.H. Karmapa we are required to explain all the details. For these reasons we reinspected the relics. You all know that Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche left his skull cup in which we haven't found any letters or relic pills up until now. Then we looked through the remaining bones one by one, so far we could not find any syllables that appeared or see any relic pills till now. We heard that it can happen that the relic pills grow later on.

The Ritual Opening of the Purkhang, 31 May 2012

At 6:00 a.m. this morning, the ceremonies for the ritual opening of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's Purkhang, or cremation stupa, began as scheduled. Led by Sangter Tulku Rinpoche, the Vajra Master of Benchen Monastery, Lama Tsültrim Rabten, the Retreat Master Lama Karma Gyatso, and our three Khenpos, Sönam Gyurme, Tsöndrü and Tsewang, as well as Rinpoche's closest former attendants and administrators, Lama Geleg, Tenpa Yarphel, Sherab Wangchug, Jinpa Lodrö and Tashi Öser, preparations were begun to retrieve Rinpoche's precious remains out of the remaining cremation ashes.

News from Benchen Monastery (May 26, 2012)

Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's old attendants (shabji) Jinpa, Sherab, Geleg, Tashi Öser and I had a meeting and decided to open the cremation stupa (phur khang) that is closed at the moment on Thursday the 31st of May at 6:00 am. There will be a ritual ceremony. The relics of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche that are there will be placed in a copper vase and the ashes will be put in brocade sacks. Then in a traditional procession these relics will be led in circumambulation around the Gompa and placed in Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's personal room where they will remain for some time.

The cremation of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche

As scheduled, the day began with a ritual circumabulation of Svayambunath Stupa, which commenced at 7:00 a.m. on 23 May. The Precious Kudung was accompanied by a large number of Rinpoche's students from all over the world, as well as by local devotees and followers of all schools. The street was lined by many people with incence, flowers and kathags. Some spontaneoulsy offered melodious chants as the Kudung passed by. By approximately 8:30 a.m. the procession arrived back at the monastery when Rinpoche's Precious Kudung was immediately placed in the Purkhang.

Cremation Date changed to May 23, 2012

Dharma sisters and brothers and friends!

I am very very sorry to announce at such short notice that we have to change the date of the cremation due to considerations according to Tibetan astrology. This matter has been brought to our attention only very recently. The star movements of the 18th May, which is the 28th of the 3rd Tibetan month, is "Thur Go Che" ("open graveyard gate") which means an increased chance for a second cremation in our community. At that same day there is also the constellation called "Ba Den" which means that one should not erect banners and not hang prayer flags that day. If one does anyway, the positive effect is inverted, instead of good it does harm. We have discussed the matter at length with H.E. Drubwang Sange Nyenpa Rinpoche and have come to the following decision:

News from Benchen Monastery (April 21, 2012)

Here in Kathmandu, Swoyambhu, Benchen many kinds of different people continue to come pay respect to Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's kudung and receive blessings. During the 49 days we invited different monasteries including nunneries to perform different pujas in dedication to Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.
For the 7th week H.H. Karmapa recommended that the Kalachakra puja shall be performed here at the Benchen monastery.

Precious Kudung moved to Maitreya Shrine Hall

Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche finished the Prajnaparamita Lung Friday 13th April. In the afternoon Rinpoche gave the long life initiation. More than 5000 people came, most of them locals. We counted the longlife-substance pills that were given out and were all surprised how these people knew. Anyway it was very nice.

Review 28. Kagyu Monlam

Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche left Kathmandu on 4th December 2010 for Bodhgaya via Varanasi.  When he arrived on 6th December, Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche paid homage to HH Karmapa. Rinpoche was overjoyed to see HH Karmapa again.

Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche was invited to participate in the 900th anniversary of the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa. The very elaborate 2 days celebration began on 8th December.

A big Buddha Sakyamuni statue was placed on the highest part of the stage. On a lower section in front of this was a wax statue of the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa. This was specially ordered by HH Karmapa. This life-sized statue was truly life like!

Long-Life Activities for the Three Rinpoches during the 28th Kagyu Monlam

Special announcement and request for Long-Life Activities during the 28th Kagyu Monlam on behalf of the Three Rinpoches - Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche, Vajra Master Tenga Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche.

All those connected to these three Rinpoches all over the world, from east to west - including monasteries, Dharma centers and disciples who have relationships of Dharma and of samaya - are requested to participate in Long-Life practices at the auspicious time of December 22nd, 2010 at 6:00-8:30 AM India time.

You will find more information on the Kagyu Monlam website including links to download relevant practice texts and prayers for this occasion.

Many people sent a donation for this event. A group of Rinpoche's students together with Martin Boldt as the representative of Benchen Phuntsok Ling presented the offering after the ceremony to Tenga Rinpoche when he was back in his private room.

Rinpoche was very happy and he will send a small gift to everybody who contributed to the donations :)

Latest News from Kathmandu

On Monday, the 18th of October, Ven. Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche returned from our three-year-retreat centre in Pharping to the monastery in Kathmandu. Rinpoche stayed there for about one month. He  continued to instruct the present group of retreatants and also continued his own retreat which he began in the monastery, before going to Pharping. I'm happy to report that Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche is presently in very good health and the best of spirits!

H.E. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche is presently in Dharamsala, where he gives the oral transmission of the Collected Words of the Buddha, the Kangyur, to H.H. the Karmapa and other masters. This will continue until approximately November 4.

Greetings from Nepal,

Sherab Drime (Thomas)

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