General information for courses and retreats in Benchen Phuntsok Ling:
Please bring your own sleeping bag, a blanket and warm clothing.
It is always advisable to bring warm clothes and rainproof gear.
Accomodation is limited!

The course fees are listed in the respective course.
A stay with self-catering outside of courses is possible, the daily rate is € 25.
Nice course fees are only possibe when everybody joins a small assistance job. Please help to clean the tables after meals, vacuum clean, ...
Day guests (saying hello, meeting friends, greeting Lamas, ...) are welcome. However, we also ask day guests to make a contribution towards expenses of 25 €. Regular course participants have first dibs on meals.
It is absolutely necessary to register in advance!
If nothing specific is mentioned in the course program, please register per mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
You can cancel your registration free of charge up to two weeks before the start of the course. In case of later cancellation, a processing fee of € 25 will be charged.
For a longer retreat it requires absolutely prior consultation with Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche or Lama Ngawang Tsultrim.
During your retreat Lama Ngawang will assist you in your practice.

Daily Programm:
7:30 AM: Green Tara practice
5:00 PM: Daily Mahakala practice

Gönkar Retreat, 26.4.-11.5.2025 -- Allmuthen

Green Tara

Gönkar, the White Protector, is an emanation of Avalokiteshvara. On an absolute level, he helps to attain enlightenment; on a relative level, he protects against obstacles and the dangers of the bardo. He is especially known for blessing the practitioner with both material and spiritual wealth.

This retreat is a very rare opportunity to become familiar with the Gönkar practice, through the profound and precise instructions of Lama Ngawang Tsultrim.

A prerequisite for participation is that you have previously received an empowerment of Gönkar.

Please read the important information: Advice by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim

Begin  Saturday,  April 26   at 6 PM
May 11  
at noon

Medicine Buddha Practice, 4.-6.4.2025 -- Allmuthen

Sangye Menla

Sangye Menla, the Medicine Buddha, protects against physical and mental illness. Reciting his mantra releases healing energies, both for the practitioner and for others.
His tantra is one of the few tantras that is growing in strength.

Lama Ngawang Tsultrim will give explanations on the practice of Sangye Menla (Medicine Buddha) and lead the meditation.

Prerequisite: Sangye Menla empowerment

Begin      Friday,  April 4  at 6 PM
April 6 

White Tara Practice - 18.-21.4.2025 -- Allmuthen


"Tara" (Tibetan: Dölma) means "liberator". There are many different manifestations of Tara. The best known are the White Tara and the Green Tara. The different emanations indicate that Tara appears in different forms depending on the situation and needs, and performs different healing activities accordingly.
Because she leads countless beings to enlightenment in this way, she is also called the "Mother of all Buddhas".

The practice of White Tara that we will do here is to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. It also helps against fear and serves to prolong life and remove obstacles for oneself and others until we achieve enlightenment.

Prerequisite:  White Tara empowerment

Lama Ngawang Tsultrim will give explanations on the practice of White Tara (Drölkar) and will guide the meditation.

Begin      Friday,  April 18 at 2:30 PM
April 21

Losar Mönlam, 28.2.-3.3.2025 -- Allmuthen

BuddhaFollowing the advice of our venerable teacher Tenga Rinpoche, we will once again celebrate the prayer festival Mönlam (smon lam) for the Tibetan New Year (Losar).
Losar falls on 28 February 2025 this year.

Monks, nuns and lay people - from around the world will gather at Losar to perform wishing prayers for the benefit of all living beings. Aspiration prayers have a very important meaning as they lay the foundation for our future. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have said countless wishful prayers.

Buddha himself said: 
As far as to the ends of the blue sky, 
As far as to the ends of sentient beings,
Until the end of karma and afflictions, 
This far the ends are of my aspirations.

Long Mahakala Ritual 24.-28.2.2025 -- Allmuthen

offeringFor many years it has been a tradition that in Benchen Phuntsok Ling the medium-long ritual of Mahakala Dorje Bernagchen is performed to remove obstacles for the coming year.
This is generally done in all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism (Nyingma, Sakya, Gelug, Kagyu). For Vajrayana practitioners, as long as one has not attained enlightenment, it is essential to invoke the protection of lamas, yidams, and protectors to remove obstacles on the path to enlightenment.
Mahakala belongs to the protective deities (Skrt. Dharmapalas, Tibet. Chökyong) that protect the lineage as well as provide protection and help to practitioners. In Tibet, the "five great Mahakalas" are the best known. One of them is Dorje Bernagchen ("Protector with the black coat"). He is the protector of the Karmapas and the Karma Kagyu lineage.

Green Tara retreat, 8.-23.3.2025 -- Allmuthen

Green Tara

Arya Tara is the combined power of the activity of all Buddhas. Her action is swift, bold and courageous. She liberates from all fears and dangers and grants all help, both in daily life and for ultimate liberation.

This retreat is a very rare opportunity to become familiar with the Green Tara ritual, which is practiced every morning in our center, through the profound and precise instructions of Lama Ngawang Tsultrim.

A prerequisite for participation is that you have previously received an empowerment of Green Tara.

Please read the important information: Advice by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim

Begin  Saturday,  March 8 at 6 PM
March 23 
at noon

Courses and Retreats 2025, Allmuthen

prayer flags

This is an overview of the courses and retreats planned for 2025 at Benchen Phuntsok Ling, Allmuthen, Belgium.

More information will follow. The registration will be activated soon.

Summer Course 2025        
 White Tara Ritual  Wed 23.07.   at 9 am  Fri 25.07.   afternoon
 Teaching Periode  Sat 26.07.   at 2:30 pm   Wed 06.08.   noon
 Gönkar Ritual  Thu 07.08.   at 9 am     Sat 09.08.   noon


Courses and Retreats
Start   End  
Guru Rinpoche "Shower of Blessings"                      Fri 31.01.  at 7 pm    Sun 02.02.   cancelled
Long Mahakala Ritual  Mon 24.02.   at 4 pm  Fri 28.02.   before noon
Losar Celebration (Lunch)  Fri 28.02.     noon    afternoon
Losar Mönlam  Fri 28.02.   at 6 pm  Mon 03.03.   before noon
Green Tara Retreat *  Sat 08.03.      at 6 pm     Sun 23.03.   before noon
Medicine Buddha Practice     Fri 04.04.     at 6 pm     Sun 06.04.   before noon 
White Tara Practice  Fri 18.04.     at 2:30 pm     Mon 21.04.   before noon 
Gönkar Retreat *    Sat 26.04.     at 6 pm     Sun 11.05.   before noon
Mahamudra Retreat *    Sat 17.05.     at 6 pm     Sun 01.06.     before noon 
Lojong Practice     Fri 06.06.     at 6 pm     Mon 09.06.   before noon 
2 Nyung Neh Retreat **    Wed 18.06.   at 7:30 pm     Mon 23.06.   after breakfast


 (*) Please see: General Information about the Retreats in Allmuthen by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim

 (**) You can attend also one Nyung Neh only.


25 years Benchen Phuntsok Ling - 25 new sponsors are needed

108 Jewels

The 25th anniversary of Benchen Phuntsok Ling is approaching. We would therefore like to address you on our own behalf:

Benchen Phuntsok Ling is supported financially by many people.
This is not possible with the course fees alone.
But like everything else, this group of supporters is getting older every day...
So this year we are looking for 25 new people who would like to support the Dharma place Benchen Phuntsok Ling with a regular contribution of €10, €20 or €50. Even a small regular contribution helps!
The more shoulders on which this responsibility is shared, the more stable the continued existence of the meditation centre in Allmuthen will be.

If you would like to participate, please transfer your contribution to the following account:

Benchen Phuntsok Ling e.V.
Commerzbank Köln
IBAN: DE 46 3704 0044 0558 8884 00
Purpose: Donation
Please sign and return the Your Support form to our office so that we can register you as a sponsor of Benchen Phuntsok Ling. You will receive an annual donation receipt.

Update: 28 new sponsors have already been found (27.08.2024) - wonderful! Thank you very much!


General Information about the Retreats in Allmuthen by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim

Advice by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim as given in his letter from 2022.

"Dear Sangha,

mila2In the very beginning, on November 8, 1998, when Tenga Rinpoche decided to establish Benchen Phuntsok Ling, he wrote to his students:  The intention or goal of buying a center is that everyone who has time can do retreat there for a few weeks or months, and that it will be a permanent place for summer courses in the summer. In the further future, courses on general Buddhist teachings and personal practice are planned, which will include the gradual path of the four preliminary practices, the practice of the creation and completion stages of the yidam (Kyerim/Dzogrim), the six yogas of Naropa, and the path of Mahamudra.
By practicing Dharma there, it will be a place of extraordinary benefit to oneself and others.


BPL Newsletter

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