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The Benchen Monastery Community is under the spiritual guidance of both His Eminence Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and the late Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.

It provides information about the Dharma centers in the East and West which are connected to the Rinpoches. And it provides information about various social welfare projects especially targeted at poor and needy people living in the East.

Summer Course 2005

Benchen Phuntsok Ling
Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche: Teaching from „A Jewel Ornament of Liberation“ by Gampopa
Chapter III  "The Spiritual Friend".
This is one of the most eminent texts in the Kagyu tradition. It describes the gradual path and guides the disciple from the foundation of the Dharma up to the highest realisation of Buddhahood.
Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche continues the teaching given in 2004.
1 CD (11h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200501

Tenga Rinpoche: "The Instruction on Mahamudra" by the 8. Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje.
2 CDs (33h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200502

Summer Course 2004

Benchen Phuntsok Ling:
Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche: „A Juwel Ornament of Liberation“ by Gampopa.
Chapter I and II
This is one of the most eminent texts in the Kagyu tradition. It describes the gradual path and guides the disciple from the foundation of the Dharma up to the highest realisation of Buddhahood.
3 CDs (36h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200401

Summer Course 2003

Benchen Phuntsok Ling
Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche: „Mahamudra Mönlam“ by 3. Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje
2 CDs (30h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200302

Tenga Rinpoche: „The four Words of Mahamudra“ von Phagmo Drupa.
1 CD (16h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200301

Summer Course 2002

Benchen Phuntsok Ling
Tenga Rinpoche: „The 100 Verses Adressing the People of Tingri“
This text contains oral instructions which were given to the people of Tingri by the Indian master Padampa Sangye.
2 CDs (33h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200201

Summer Course 2001

Benchen Phuntsok Ling
Tenga Rinpoche:  "The Instruction that is helpful at the Beginning, the Middle and the End" (thog tha bar sum du ge bu'i tam) by Dza Patrul Rinpoche.
2 CDs (26h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200101

Tenga Rinpoche: „Three words striking the vital point“ (tsik sum nedek) by Garab Dorje
1 CD (14h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200102

Tenga Rinpoche: Teaching on Tibetan Medicine
1 CD (5h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200103

Summer Course 2000

Benchen Phuntsok Ling
Tenga Rinpoche: "Calling the Lama from afar" by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye.
2 CDs (20h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200001

Tenga Rinpoche: Teachings about Bodhicitta, Shine, Mahamudra, Kyerim, Lodjong, various classes of Tantras, Buddha nature, Dharma in everyday life, Lama dances.
2 CDs (20h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 200002

Summer Course 1998

Baarlo, Netherlands
Tenga Rinpoche: Teachings about "Ocean of Certainty" by 9. Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje. Teachings about Bodhicitta, Lama and disciple, Dharma in everyday life, etc.
2 CDs (30h MP3), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199801

Summer Course 1996

Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany
Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche and Tenga Rinpoche: Teachings about Lodjong, Bodhicitta, Shine, Prana, Tonglen and Mahamudra.
2 CDs (22h MP), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199601

Tenga Rinpoche: "The five Nails of Naropa" (naro ser nga)
1 CD (8h MP3), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199602

Tenga Rinpoche: Chöd Practice
1 CD (5h MP3), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199603

Tenga Rinpoche: White Tara
1 CD (5h MP3), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199604

Summer Course 1994

Tenga Rinpoche: Teachings about Mahamudra, White Tara, Shine and Lhakthong.
2 CDs(22h MP3), Tibetan with German translation, reference number: 199401

Summer Course 1981 (mp3)

Summer Course Tegernbach, Germany, 1981

Teachings of Tenga Rinpoche
3CDs (ca. 40h MP3), Tibetan with German/English translation, reference number: 198101

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