Today 31st August 31, 2012 at 2:30 pm, the precious relics of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche were officially offered to Benchen Karma Kamtsang centre in Grabnik, and other nine branch centers in Poland. The relics were transferred from Rinpoche's room to the shrine hall where the annual dharma courses take place.
The relics were taken in a very traditional procession accompanied by banners and music. The relics were greeted with great devotion by followers with khataks and incenses all along the way. They were finally placed on Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's throne. H.E. Sangter Tulku Rinpoche, Resident lamas; Lama Rinchen and Lama Mingyur Sonam and the staff members of the center offered the body speech and mind mandala to the relics of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.
As a representative of the Benchen monastery, vice president of the monastery Jimba Lodro gave a few details about the events after Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's parinirvana. He also stressed out the importance of having any sizes of stupas to enshrine the precious relics so that all the practitioners can use as a support for their practice as well as to receive the blessings. The resident lama, Lama Rinchen expressed his gratitude to the personal attendants and the administration of Benchen monastery for their support and offering of such precious relics to the centers.
Then all the disciples were given the opportunity to have a glimpse of the relics and to offer khatags.
By Sherab Wangchuk