The Benchen Shenpen is an association of Benchen ex-monks who are helping the monastery to serve tea and cleaning whenever necessary. On November 28 the monks had a meeting with Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche (pictures 1-6). On the 29th Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche completed the Damngagdzö initiations which have altogether taken 49 days. (Please click on the pictures to start the slide show.)
The representatives of the Tsadra Foundation, which was the co-sponsor for the empowerments, offered a mandala, ku, sung, thug headed by Shawn the translator to Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche (picture 8). The Benchen Community also offered a mandala, ku, sung thug in order to express our thankfulness to Rinpoche headed by me, Khenpo and so on (pictures 9-15). Later you can see Tom (picture 16) who helped in the vip area during lunchtime. You can also see people lining up for food and having lunch (picture 17-24). On the last pictures you see overall impressions during the last day.
Thats all now.
Namaste, Tempa